Sabrina and I got to spend the day together doing whatever she wanted! We’d been planning a little date all week and she was thrilled when she woke up and she got to plan our day.
What did we do, you wonder?
1. We went to a candy store.
2. We bought all sorts of candy for our family (she paid for half).
3. We walked and shopped all down South Congress (with her shopping cart).
4. We had hamburgers at the only hamburger joint there (Hop Doddy’s). AND we waited 45 minutes (it was a college game day) and Sabrina was more patient that I was saying, “Mama, it’s no big deal!”
5. We went into the Halloween store.
6. We went to a toy store (in search of a Wooshie Pushin aka the Whoopie Cushion).
7. We got in the car because she really wanted to go see a movie … but she promptly fell asleep instead.
It was such a fun day!