LOVE!! you look beautiful, Jenna Martin!!ReplyCancel
Christopher E. MartinJune 24, 2014 - 7:01 pm
Wow! What great pictures. Jenna looks gorgeous… and this seems like yesterday… hard to believe that that Bump is now a BOY!! Thanks Katie Eaton PhotographyReplyCancel
Susan Lowther McInnisJune 24, 2014 - 7:17 pm
Beautiful mama and now she has a beautiful baby! Life is good!ReplyCancel
Jenna MartinJune 25, 2014 - 3:34 am
Beautiful memories! Thanks so much Katie!!!!ReplyCancel
Lisa Maccini AlvordJune 26, 2014 - 6:20 pm
loooooove loooooove loooooove these pictures!! <3ReplyCancel
LOVE!! you look beautiful, Jenna Martin!!
Wow! What great pictures. Jenna looks gorgeous… and this seems like yesterday… hard to believe that that Bump is now a BOY!! Thanks Katie Eaton Photography
Beautiful mama and now she has a beautiful baby! Life is good!
Beautiful memories! Thanks so much Katie!!!!
loooooove loooooove loooooove these pictures!! <3