Dear Friends and Family,
For those of you who followed my food allergy thread on Facebook the other day … and those of you who helped me with not one, not two but all three drafts of my letter … you*are*awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
For those of you just joining the program … I posted what I thought was a simple question about food allergies as a status update … and it turned into a great discussion (65+ comments). I wanted to know what people who have kids without any allergies wanted to know about kids with life threatening food allergies (I am working on a letter for the parents in my classroom).
Most of my best friends have been around Sabrina and her food allergies for so long that I couldn’t really ask them because, well, they have either witnessed a reaction, or been on enough play dates to know what is or isn’t safe to have around. So, I wanted fresh thoughts from people who aren’t around kids like Sabrina regularly.
With their help, I made this:
and sooooo many people either called, texted or wrote me on facebook asking how the school did today. And so far — I’d say, excellent. I made three of those signs above (color printed and laminted) … and the teacher put one on Sabrina’s desk, one outside the classroom and one at the lunch table. The lunch monitor (who happens to be a new friend) called to let me know things were a-okay and two other moms sent pictures on their phones while she ate lunch. They were beyond protective today … and I hope the same level of protectiveness continues. She is carrying her own epi pen (I had to sign a specific form for that to be allowed) and the nurse also has an epi pen.
Anyway … I’m truly grateful for all the opinions and thoughts and to everyone helping keep our Sabrina safe!
PS: To see pics from Sabrina’s first day — see the post below!
So glad to hear it all went well.
My kids both have “potentially fatal”, as the Allergist put it, allergies to peanuts, so I can sympathize. I remember how scared I was when they started school. People who don’t have kids with allergies…imagine sending your kids to school every day to eat in a lunchroom, drink from a water fountain, wash their hands at a faucet, sharpen their pencils at a sharpener, etc. where there very likely is invisible arsenic randomly sprinkled. That’s basically how it is for these kids, except that arsenic takes longer to do damage. Luckily, neither of my kids has had any reaction while at school, and my son is nearly in middle school. The teachers are pretty darn careful, and for that I’m grateful. I hope you guys have the same experience.
I honestly think I would keep my kids and a bubble. praying your kids stay safe!!!
Me too, Sheila!