I loved looking through all of these images today (December 13th) … my busy season is wrapping up and I finally have a chance to sit down and blog some personal images. And because I’m OCD, this post will be backdated to the day we got home from our trip. 😉
It’s crazy how quickly time goes … we came back so relaxed and refreshed and now we are in the thick of the holiday season and would both love to be back drinking on the beach again without a worry in the world.
At one point during our trip, there were five different couples — we all arrived and left on different days … which I hope we can change for next time. Although I did enjoy two nights of Shawn all to myself. I’ve never traveled with a group of couples before … just family, really (unless you count quick trips to the wine country with girlfriends). And we had a blast. There was the perfect amount of one on one time with Shawn and hanging with all of our friends. There was dancing and drinking and volleyball and relaxing and eating and did I mention, drinking? And sleeping. And exploring. And singing. The sunsets were gorgeous. The sand was like powder. The water was clear. I wish we were back there right now.
These are just a handful of images from all of our phones and one GoPro all compiled into one little blog post.