On Tuesday morning this week, Tyler and I had just gotten back from walking Bunny to the bus-stop and Tyler looked at me and said, “Mama. Wanna take my picture outside?” And I thought for a second and said, “why yes. Yes I do.” And he RAN to the back door! It was completely adorable. So, I snapped a few pictures of him playing and then we came back inside to watch his favorite show. It was chilly and neither of us had on any shoes. I mean, when your kiddo asks you to take their picture, you just drop what you are doing and go! You don’t worry about the messy face or the yogurt all over his shirt. Although, when we were outside I did notice that it might be time to buy him some new long sleeved shirts. Seems like they are a little short in the sleeve and there’s also a little tummy showing.
And these days, it just has to be said that Tyler is 100% adorable. I know, he’s my kiddo, so I can say that … but complete strangers have asked if he was for sale and a friend this morning asked if I special ordered him because he’s so incredibly sweet.
Need some examples?
1. On Tuesday when I picked him up from school, there was a note from his teacher and here’s what it said, “Katie. Just wanted you to know how sweet and compassionate Tyler was today. A friend was crying because he wanted his mom and Tyler went over and hugged him and in his little toddler voice he said, “it’s okay. Mommy always comes back.” Seriously? How sweet is that?
2. When Daddy gets home from work he runs to him and says, “Daddy. I missed you all day!” (and he says it to me every time I pick him up from school).
3. He grabs our faces with two hands and says, “I wub you.”
4. He loves to give hugs and always asks to, “snuggle a minute.”