I love family tradition. I love that my family has been skiing together every year since I was Sabrina’s age. I love that JT has been part of that tradition for the past ten years. And I love that Sabrina learned to ski on the same mountain where her parents were married.
Some might believe that teaching a three and a half year old to ski is too young. I won’t lie — I worried she might be too young … or that she might hate it… but, she was amazing! I was so proud that I teared up a bit each day when I watched her ski (and no, it’s not the hormones, it’s a mom thing).
Sabrina took four days of lessons and moved up to level three by her fourth day. Her instructors were wonderful and laughed that she could have been at level three earlier but, “she didn’t like to stop…she just wanted to go fast.” She even convinced one of her teachers to take her on the big lift vs. the magic carpet. Her favorite part? You guessed it … going fast! Another family tradition.